European Association of fishermen in the Black Sea – Present and Prospects

In the coming days and weeks until August 31 this year, experts from “S P Consult BG” Ltd will carry out a number of meetings on the Bulgarian coast with representatives of small-scale fisheries. They will be promoted targets of the European Association of fishermen in the Black Sea to support the creation of the current market infrastructure to contribute to market transparency and to reduce the possibility of unfair competition in the sector. Establishment of contacts and cooperation with international fishing associations, familiarization with State and Community policies with the aim of repel competitive pressure and others issues in the sector will be analyzed.

According to Implementation Activity 7 (IA-7) –Strengthening the small-scale fishing sector’s involvement in stakeholder’s organizations under contract for grants from the EU № MARE / 2014/04 – SI2.724176 between the European Commission and “SP CONSULT BG” in parallel will be held and seminars for:
a) The aim of the Advisory Council for the Black Sea and the role of small-scale fishermen in the decision-making process;
c) The involvement of women in decision-making process, or in leadership roles within the sector;

The interested representatives of small-scale fisheries on the activities of the Association can apply membership in the Association and through this a future participation in the BlSAC.