The Bulgarian-Romanian forum for the introduction of support measures for small-scale fishing has concluded.


From the 4th– to 7th July of this year, at the initiative of  “SP CONSULT BG” Ltd, at the “Briz 2” hotel in the city of Varna an interactive workshop was held regarding: “Identifying and categorizing the presence of the small-scale fishermen organizations, Consulting councils and LIFE platforms at a national and at a European […]

Meeting will be held under Pilot Project “Measures to support small-scale fishery”


Мeeting will be held between 4-7 July in the city of Varna. There will be interactive workshops about the following subjects: “Identification and cataloguing the presence of SSF in industry bodies, Advisory Councils and LIFE Platforms at national, and European level” and “Analyze the readiness of SSF to get involved in the future Advisory Council […]