Pilot project „Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing”
Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR
Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EUR

Main objectives of EU:

  1. To identify and reinforce the degree of involvement of the small-scale fishing (SSF) sector in industry organizations, including private initiatives (e.g. the group Low Impact Fishers of Europe) or in publicly established bodies (e.g. Advisory Councils set up under the Common Fisheries Policy), etc.
  2. Facilitate the involvement of the small-scale fishing sector in Advisory Councils.
  3. Promote the exchange of good practices that will further increase the participation of the small-scale fishing sector in the advisory and decision-making processes.


Main objectives of the project:

  1. Mapping of the existing SSF organizations in Bulgaria and Romania.
  2. Identifying and cataloguing the presence of these organizations in industry bodies, Advisory Councils and LIFE Platforms at national, and European level.
  3. To develop a network of such organizations for better communication and doing business.
  4. Revealing the idea of LIFE Platform, or revealing the idea of being part of SSF organizations.
  5. To train the SSF representatives in the following areas:
    • how to make policy;
    • better use of the good practices implemented on EU level;
    • how to make SSF organizations more important and considerable for the future of the Black Sea region;
    • the role of Advisory Councils (AC) on EU level;
    • which are the existing, best practices in the area and which are the most suitable for the Black Sea region;
  6. To exchange good practices with representatives of LIFE Platform in Bristol, England.
  7. To elaborate 6 scientific research papers, thus giving the chance for a bigger audience to get acquainted with the problematic issue.
  8. 8 practical guides will be elaborated for the purposes of the SSF sector.
  9. The exchange of best practices will be facilitated.
  10. The participation of SSF representatives in AC will be facilitated.
  11. The skill potential of SSF representatives will be improved via the envisioned training seminars under this project proposal.
  12. A SSF association will be developed, representing the interests of small-scale fishermen.
  13. An Interactive Internet Platform and Facebook will be developed, where SSF participants can exchange some ideas and good practices.
  14. To encourage young researchers to be more proactive in this are.
  15. Creating a real partnerships among SSF, Advisory Councils and LIFE Platforms.


What will be the benefit of each fisherman determined to become a member of an association created with the financial support of European Union:

  1. They will be a part of one EU initiative.
  2. They will receive a high quality consulting services for free.
  3. They will receive useful information about the latest trends on the markets.
  4. They will receive punctual information for the latest calls for proposals and possibilities to receive grants.
  5. They will receive on a regular bases information about the latest administrative requirements that must be fulfilled.
  6. They will learn how to state their rightsе in front of the AC, administration, etc..
  7. They will learn how to start a small business.
  8. How to become a beneficiary under the different EU Programs.
  9. They will learn what is “Blue Growth”, what is Common Fishery Policy and Integrated Maritime Policy.
  10. They will become keen in making CLLD strategies, doing business with FLAG’s, etc.


Expected results from the project:

  1. At least 100 representatives from the Bulgarian SSF sector will be trained.
  2. At least 30 representatives from SSF sector in Romania will be trained.
  3. A study visit for 15 SSF representatives is envisioned.
  4. Developed Interactive Internet and Facebook Platform for SSF.
  5. One SSF Association developed with the financial help of EU.
  6. 8 guidebooks are envisioned to be developed for the purposes of SSF organizations.
  7. 6 science peppers are envisioned to be developed.
  8. Over 1200 advertising materials will be disseminated.


Sustainability of the project:

  1. All possibilities for raising funds will be monitored on a regular bases.
  2. A maximum result will be hunted for each member of the SSF Association, in order to improve his or her skill qualifications.
  3. Trained fishermen will be trained on how disseminate the idea of being more nature oriented amongst local actors, thus maximizing their social and economic viability.
  4. The main goal – to achieve high results in creating more job opportunities for the members of SSF Association and increased market perspectives.
  5. Search for possibility to participate in another project proposas that will help SSF Association to increase their potential.


Financial parameters:

  1. Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR;
  2. Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU.
  3. Reimbursement rate – 90%.
  4. Duration (in months): 24 months.
  5. Territorial range Bulgaria and Romania.