The Chairman of Association was elected as head of Working Group 5 of the BlSAC


The Chairman of the European Association of Fishermen in the Black Sea, Dr. Dimitrina Kostova is a member of Executive Committee of the Black Sea Advisory Council. At the meeting, which was held on February 25, 2021 in the hotel “Calista”, Stara Zagora, the annual report on the activity and the financial report were adopted and approved. The heads of all working groups and focus groups were also elected, and Dr. D. Kostova was elected as head of Working Group 5.

Before that, on February 24, 2021 was held a meeting of Working Group 1 to discussed the new the obligation for unloading, the challenges for Romania and Bulgaria in 2021. A review of the previous work of the BlSAC regarding obligation for unloading was also made.