The Chairman of the European Black Sea Fishermen’s Association Dimitrina Kostova will participate in a working meeting to be held in Rome and Chioggia, Italy on 7-8 November this year. The meeting was organized by the Mediterranean Consultative Council, MEDAC, on the initiative of the Black Sea Consultative Council, which is a member of the Association.
MEDAC, the Mediterranean Consultative Council, is a non-profit organization that pursues objectives of general European interest, the headquarters of which is located in Rome, Italy.
The Mediterranean Advisory Council, MEDAC, is a non-profit organization which pursues aims of general European interest, the headquarters is in Rome, Italy.
The MEDAC is made up of European and national organizations representing the fisheries sector (including the industrial fleet, small-scale fisheries, the processing sector and trade unions) and other interest groups (such as environmental organizations, consumer groups and sports/recreational fishery associations) which operate in the Mediterranean area in the framework of the Common Fisheries Policy (Regionalization, discards management plans, multiannual management plans).
The area covers the maritime waters of the Mediterranean Sea to the east of the meridian of 5° 36′ west longitude.
The role of MEDAC includes the preparation of opinions on fisheries management and socio-economic aspects in support of the fisheries sector in the Mediterranean, to be submitted to the Member States and the European institutions in order to facilitate the achievement of the objectives of the CFP; MEDAC also proposes technical solutions and suggestions, such as joint recommendations (ex. Art. 18 Reg.1380 / 2013) at the request of the Member States.
The workshop will be attended by the members of Working Group No 2 “Sustainable fishing – facilities and resources” at the Black Sea Adviser Committee (BlSAC).
On the first day, participants will have a meeting in the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies where they will exchange information on the Common Fisheries Policy in the Mediterranean and Black Seas.
The Italian colleagues will give us information about they
work, their Statutes, internal rules, the functioning of the WG and Focus
Groups), the composition of the Presidency of the GA and of the ExCom.
On the second day, a meeting is scheduled with Marco Spinadin, who is a member of one of the big ones The Italian fishing co-operative (Federcoopesca-Confcooperative). The meeting will take place in Chioggia.
There are visits to the centers for the first purchase of fishery products, to be present at the arrival and landing of the chamelea gallina c/o the COGEVO and visit to the market and to the midwater trawls (volanti).